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sobota, 12 października 2013

alpha custom bikes uk ltd

Ongoing maintenance... Look what's on the top :...

czwartek, 22 grudnia 2011

Fraudulent Operations

A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that pays returns to its investors from their own money or the money paid by subsequent investors.On September 15, 2010, Nevin Shapiro pleaded guilty to a 2005–2009 Ponzi scheme in a Newark, New Jersey court. The scheme brought in approximately $880 million. Headquartered in Miami, the scheme was based on an import/export grocery business but was diverting investments to attract new investors. Among the items seized as a result of his plea were a $5 million Miami mansion and a yacht. He was known...

czwartek, 15 grudnia 2011

Alpha Custom Bikes

Same advice over and over again.Send mail, inform trader..OK. I'll do it.The law defines goods as being of 'satisfactory quality' if they meet the standard that a reasonable person would regard as satisfactory - taking the description of the goods into account, the price (if relevant) and all other applicable circumstances.Everyone I spoken to: it's a piece of crap! By no means someone reasonably could ever think of it as reasonable quality. But is my job to prove and probably it's just easier to let it go...Good luck in busine...

niedziela, 2 października 2011

Card Operations Disputes Team

I am persistently trying to get my money back. Fair refund is fair enough.Thank you for your recent e-mail.We will contact you once your case has been fully reviewed.Should you have any further queries do not hesitate to contact us.If replying to this email, please ensure you include the last fourdigits of the account number your enquiry refers to along with your fullname, address and postcode.Yours sincerelyDisputes T...

piątek, 23 września 2011

Bicycle parts

Just wondering what other stuff might Alpha Custom Bikes offer? I would not recommend this shop to anyone. Their customer service is like big failure and if you have any problems you are on your own. No help at all.The trader is postponing contact so the time to raise a concern is already gone. In fact I know my right and will do everything to get my money ba...

środa, 21 września 2011

Trading Standard Authority

All I want to do is to get a fair refund.Goods are of unsatisfactory quality and mentioned brakes as the main reason.Apparently that have caused another series of actions... But didn't get me any further. Where is my money?...

wtorek, 20 września 2011

Citizen Advice Bureau

Hmmmm...Dalston Citizen Advice Bureau - it's amazing how inaccessible they are. Only a few available appointments, only 20 people per day... And of course it's in their best interest not to have any job done.Chargeback! That is the keyword! Calling Halifax Today!...